Positive Results Are Within Reach
What’s the one thing you want more than anything right now? To lose those last 5 lbs? To land your dream job? Thanks to the internet and social media, you have access to all kinds of information that can tell you exactly what you need to do in order to have the things you want. So why don’t you have them yet? Read on to explore the Five Key Pillars to Having the Outcomes You Want.
When’s the last time you thought about what’s most important to you in life? Take a minute to consider the #1 goal you want to achieve more than anything else. Have you researched how to get it on YouTube or Google yet? There’s a plethora of information at our fingertips that shows us exactly what we need to do to get the results we want. And yet many of us still don’t have those results. What’s interesting is that even when we know what’s good for us, most people will end up ignoring those facts or steps in favor of something else (sound familiar to all the smoker’s out there?). Sometimes that happens because we’ve made something else more important, like our comfort. Other times, we convince ourselves that we don’t actually need it that bad. Some people become so afraid of failing that they all but give up on themselves and the possibility that they’ll ever have that thing. Some people fail at their goals so many times that eventually they create a story about why it’s just not possible for them. And once you go there, you spend your entire life looking for proof that you’re right. Whatever your reason for not having the things you want right now, I’m going to take you through Five Key Pillars To Reaching Your Goals.
Pillar 1: It requires effort & wholehearted commitment. How committed are you to reaching your goal? To develop a deeper connection to your Vision, ask yourself WHY it’s important to you. Get really deep about what it is that has you wanting to lose those last 5 lbs. Do you want your clothes to fit better? Do you want to feel better about yourself? Dig deep for the honest answer. Then consider action vs. effort. You can do things all day long that are meant to help you achieve you’re goal, but unless you’re putting in steady commitment and full attention/effort you’re just going to go through the motions and you’re connection to your goal can wane. Remind yourself often WHY this goal is important to you and commit to putting in 100% effort to having the outcome you want. Creating a single-pointed focus toward achieving your goal will ensure you manifest your goals with grace and ease.
Pillar 2: Set SMART Goals For Yourself. I could do a whole separate blog on this topic. In the meantime you can reference my FREE How To Reach Your Goals Mini-Training Workbook. The short explanation, is that you’re goals should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Specific. Setting clear goals with deadlines and finding ways to either hold yourself accountable, or have a friend hold you accountable is hugely important. This SMART goals framework will help you to minimize the possibility of roadblocks preventing you from reaching your goals. How many times have you planned to work out after work, but then decided you were too tired and bailed? Or you decided you wanted to eat healthy, but then got comfortable and didn’t follow through with meal prep. Creating consistent daily or weekly schedules for certain action plans can help to build a healthy routine. By scheduling these activities into your calendar and doing them at the same time each week, it will eventually feel like second nature.
Pillar 3: Make Yourself Uncomfortable. It’s so easy to run on autopilot without being present to how we’re showing up. The only way around that, is to get real with ourselves about how we’re feeling and why we’re uncomfortable. It’s in that mindful awareness that you either choose to play it safe/comfortable or you can lean into the discomfort and bravely go after your goals. Remember that the things that make us most uncomfortable are often where the juiciest lessons lie, so dig in to become more aware of your blocks. Eventually you’ll learn to push past the discomfort bringing you closer and closer to achieving your goals.
Pillar 4: Don’t Give Power to Your Inner Critic. Your ego/inner critic will often come up with all the excuses in the world - like why you’re not good enough or that you don’t have what it takes. And when you listen to that critic, you end up giving up on yourself or playing small. Don’t give power to that voice inside your head. As Tony Robbins says, “Where focus goes, energy flows.” Your life is a reflection of your thoughts and beliefs. Feed your mind with possibility. When your inner critic tells you that you can’t do it, tell her that she’s wrong and choose to do it anyway. The power of positivity will help you to create the reality you desire.
Pillar 5: There’s A Lesson In Everything. There are no mistakes, only lessons. And in every perceived failure, there’s a major lesson to be learned. When you make a misstep, notice if you begin to feel guilt or shame about it. Rather than beat yourself up about it, consider what worked or didn’t work. Maybe you made staying in your comfort zone more important than your goal? Whatever it is, be an observer of your thoughts, behaviors and emotions through a lens of self-compassion. Think about what you get to add next time in order to have your desired outcome, and don’t give up.
Bonus Tip: Prioritize progress over perfection. No one is perfect and it takes time, focus and a good attitude in order to create the life you want. Trust the process and take time to celebrate your small wins along the way.
Action Step: Set a short-term goal for yourself today that you’d like to accomplish in two week’s time. Follow these fives pillars for the next two week’s and let me know if any of these insight’s helped you reach your goal.
If you’d like to dig into your blocks a little further, you can schedule a complementary Wellness Consultation with me. It will give you an opportunity to talk about what’s most important to you on your health & wellness journey and you’ll see what it feels like to have more support in your life. Working with me in my Signature Coaching Program will give you even more clarity on how to manifest your goals with ease and grace so you can sustain healthy habits and positive results for the long term.